Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Green Sense: The Economic Benefits of Composting! By Nelly Bee

The benefits of composting stretch everywhere - from the urban city balconies to rich and fertile countryside. But one thing that every composting household has in common, regardless of location, is the potential to save money each and every month with the dead-simple action of recycling. It's really amazing how much of a difference such a small action can make.
Reducing Waste, Reducing Consumption
If you have trees or shrubs, you already know how expensive it can be to have debris hauled away by a professional. What is worse is that this organic matter ends up in a landfill where it cannot even degrade because deep refuse piles lack oxygen - so what would ordinarily turn into dirt instead takes up city space (and tax dollars). But you can prevent this incredibly inefficient yard waste fate: woody trimmings are perfect candidates for backyard composting!
Of course, gardeners really know how to appreciate the benefits of composting perhaps better than anyone else. Compost acts as a fertilizer, weed suppressant, soil amendment, and soil conditioner - all rolled into one product that you can make at home. Compare the cost of one simple compost pile (free) to the total amount that a hobby gardener would pay to buy the same products at the garden center.
It actually costs more to go without a compost pile than it does to use one. The household disposal and garden supplies savings will even give you extra cash to pay your kids an allowance to flip the pile - and in one swift motion, you have completely eliminated every ounce of effort that goes into turning table scraps into nutritious plant food! Going green can't get any better than that.
Other non-economic benefits of composting may include making your gardener neighbor jealous, making your neighbor's earthworms jealous, making your neighbor's flowers jealous, and best of all, annoying the neighbors that don't garden at all. (Just kidding, of course!)
Have you been looking for the perfect excuse to start that big glorious dirt factory of compost in your back yard? Now you have a good reason! So start bagging those grass clippings and saving carbon-rich leaves because they're about to go to a really great use. Table scraps will not be the only thing you'll be saving by composting your waste - those dollars will be going straight into your pockets! It's hard to argue with the economic benefits of composting!
If you wish to learn more about the wonderful benefits of composting, you'll love our resource site. Our what is composting info blog is all about provide everything you need to know to create compost.

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Free Models for Green Energy Using Simple Components By Alex P. Jackson

Free, renewable energy devices let you to generate electric power for your home from energy sources that exist naturally around you. And, of course, this is without incurring any monthly bills. The only expense would be the initial investment needed to set up the generator to begin with. But once you've installed the device, you can then benefit from free, green energy for years to come. Green energy enthusiasts have developed such sustainable energy devices. The great thing is that there are many opportunities to be inventive and improve the design. Many have done this and shown how efficient and reliable this technology is.
These systems are pretty simple, and can be built using easy to find electronic, electrical, and mechanical components. Once the system is constructed and working, you don't have to do much at all to maintain it.
The following are some examples of technology that can be implemented using such basic, easy to find, and relatively inexpensive components. These examples show that free energy systems are a realistic and proven concept.
Using Electromagnetic Energy
The first concept involves taking electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere and converting it to electricity. Electromagnetic energy is found in radio waves, and there is no shortage of radio waves. We are constantly bombarded by these waves at all times. A simple device can be made from such easy to find components as antennae, resistors, inductors, capacitors, chokes, and similar components. A different design consists of antennae, some diodes, and a row of capacitors. By building several such devices, you could generate enough energy to meet basic household power requirements. These devices demonstrate how the more sophisticated green energy versions work.
Using Static Electricity
The next concept involves taking static electricity - again found naturally in the atmosphere - and generating "current" electricity from it to power appliances in your home. This type of approach uses conductors (wires) insulated on the edges using nylon or some other electrical insulating material. This is used to absorb static electricity. You then build up higher electric charges from it using spark plugs, diodes, condensers, ignition coils, and a battery, and then convert the charge to usable electric power.
Using Solar and Cosmic Radiation
A third concept involves capturing free energy from the solar and cosmic radiation in the atmosphere and generating electricity from it. Such devices are based on the concept of the magnifying transmitter invented by Nikola Tesla. Again, simple materials can be used to construct such devices to demonstrate the proof of concept - aluminum plates, insulated wires, capacitors, and diodes. This "generator" is relative easy to build, and once it is set up and grounded properly it will provide constant electrical power.
Alex Jackson is a green energy enthusiast. To learn more about these intriguing renewable energy ideas, visit his website

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Solar Power Advantages and (a Few) Disadvantages By Amanda Lacasse

If you are truly interested in adding solar energy to your life and home, then you have already done some in-depth research about the subject. In addition to absorbing facts and figures, you have probably started to get a feel for the advantages and disadvantages of solar energy as a way to power your home. Since a solar panel installation is a big investment, you will want to be able to answer the question, "Is solar power worth it?" Here are a few facts to mull over when considering whether going solar is the right choice for you.
Advantages of Solar Power
1. The most persuasive reason to consider solar energy, at least for the more green-minded, is that it is clean energy. Unlike the drilling and fracking that occurs on a regular basis in order to force the earth to give up its fossilized matter for us to burn as an energy source, the sun willingly bestows it warmth, light and energy-producing potential to earth and its inhabitants on a daily basis. Even investing in a small solar kit will go a long way toward reducing your carbon footprint compared to the rest of the industrialized world. Sunshine is an absolute renewable energy source, much more so than trees, which can take many years to adequately replace what has been taken. Solar is also much less dangerous--who wouldn't rather have a ray of sunshine fall on them than a large tree branch?
2. Sunlight is free! Sure, the dollar investment you make in that rooftop solar array can be pretty steep, but once in place...well, imagine not having to pay for oil or gas once the heating system has been installed. Overall, solar has a much higher initial price tag than a gas or oil system, but there is a payback in sight, since the "fuel" needed to run the system costs nothing. For those who purchase a grid-tied system (which is the majority of households), there is the extra bonus of being able to sell your excess electricity to the local utility. In actuality, you will be much like the utility--just on a smaller scale.
Disadvantages of Solar Power
Alas, there are some disadvantages to solar energy, however few. You will need to consider them, though, before you take the big step.
1. Costs are high, particularly for installation. Although costs per kilowatt are currently around $3 and predicted to fall to $1 or so within two years, the benefits of solar energy must be weighed against the price of a whole-household grid-tied system. For off-grid systems, extra expenses will be incurred in the area of energy storage, for which a battery bank will be necessary. Add to all this the cost of professional installation, which some sources estimate at approximately 40% of the cost of the solar energy system itself, and you are looking at an investment many times the price of a regular fossil fuel-based home energy system or per-kilowatt cost of buying electricity from the local utility. There is good news here, however. Federal, state and sometimes local tax incentives and rebates can help ameliorate the cost by quite a lot.
Other disadvantages of solar power include the fact that some don't like the appearance of solar panels, or there may be zoning bylaws against such installations. Hopefully, when it comes to reducing our dependence on foreign oil and other environmentally unfriendly energy sources such as nuclear energy, small issues such as looks and neighborhood symmetry will eventually be less of a concern than the obvious advantages of solar energy as a clean, green energy source.
Amanda Lacasse lives in a passive solar home and is looking into ways to segue into a more active solar lifestyle. Read more about all things solar by visiting

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6 Reasons To Build A Green Home By Ginger A. Heise

We hear buzz words like "going green" all the time. When you log into your online banking institution or pay any number of bills, you're confronted with the "Go Green" prompt, asking you to reduce your monthly consumption of paper and fuel. We see energy-efficient cars zipping around in traffic. You go to the grocery store and are asked if you'd like to purchase their eco-friendly shopping bags. There's no doubt that "going green" is trendy. Whether it's trendy because of a natural inclination to improve our planet's health or simply because it's something "cool", the trend doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon. As much as the green revolution has touched on all our day-to-day activities, it's also beginning to revolutionize the homebuilding industry. A study by NAHB and McGraw-Hill has found that between 2005 and 2010, green homebuilding has increased by 500%. That's truly amazing! Again, one can only conjecture the specific reasons for this massive increase, but here are just a few reasons why building a green home is beneficial to you and the planet.
Perhaps the green home's biggest appeal is its ability save energy. With rising energy costs and minimal renewable energy sources, it's not a big surprise that homeowners are seeking refuge. Green homes can save you 30% or more on your monthly energy bills. This is accomplished by home orientation, efficient insulation, efficient HVAC systems, high performance windows, and more.
Buildings use 12% of the total water consumed in the United States. This usage can be dramatically reduced in green homes through the use of Water Sense appliances, Energy Star appliances, low flow faucets and shower heads, etc. By reducing our water consumption, we're also reducing the amount of energy needed to purify it and deliver it to the home, as well as treat it and return it back to the environment.
Indoor pollution is a grossly underestimated problem in the United States. Your indoor environment is usually more polluted than your outdoor environment. Couple this with the fact that most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors. This can lead to troublesome health problems like asthma and cancer. Green homes' HVAC systems are designed to have better ventilation, moisture management, filtration, etc. Also, green homes typically do not use dangerous building materials like formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals.
Eco-friendly homes are a great investment. Not only do they save you money in the long run via your reduced monthly energy bills, but they have great resale value.
Construction and demolition materials accounts for 60% of our non-industrial waste. Green building reduces their amount of waste by using advanced framing techniques, fewer resources, renewable resources, efficient floor plans, and reclaimed or recycled materials.
Buildings account for approximately 38% of the U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. Since green homes reduce energy consumption, they also reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Green building also reduces our carbon footprint by reducing the amount of materials and resources needed for construction.
Ginger Heise is the Director of Operations for Stillbrooke Homes/Bud Bartley Homes. Bud Bartley Homes takes great pride in the value offered to each client. We build in the warmth and comfort, never forgetting that a home is where memories are born. Our building associates are craftsmen, each dedicated to fulfilling your distinctive vision for your custom home and using only the finest in materials and modern building techniques. Privately owned and operated for over thirty years, we are confident that the Bud Bartley team will exceed your home building expectations.
For more information on building a custom home, a luxury home, or a green home, please visit us at

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2 Inexpensive Alternatives to Commercial Carpet Cleaning Products By John Dannon

When it comes to cleaning carpet, people will usually have two common things in mind. One is the vacuum cleaner, which has been and continues to be the primary tool for cleaning carpet. The other would be the cleaning products that can be found and purchased in nearly every store or grocery market. The vacuum cleaner is an essential carpet cleaning item. But when it comes to the cleaning products, there are a lot of good alternatives that are being used nowadays.
Whether it's to save money or wanting to use eco-friendly cleaning products, there has been a rise in the number of people seeking alternatives to commercial carpet cleaning products. Let's take a look at two of the most common alternatives to traditional carpet cleaning products. An added bonus, it's very likely that these items can already be found in your home.
· Ammonia - Ammonia is a great cleaning agent for your carpet. Ammonia is often used for cleaning other areas of the house such as the kitchen or the bathroom. But it is also effective in removing stains from your beautiful carpet. Ammonia is cheap, effective, and very easy to use, which is why it is probably one of the most popular alternatives to commercial carpet cleaning products. The most common way to use ammonia is by mixing a teaspoon of it with a cup of warm water, thus creating a cleaning solution that you can apply to many different kinds of carpet stains.
· Vinegar - Vinegar is usually a cooking component of many of our favorite dishes and can be found in almost every home all over the country. Vinegar is also a great alternative for removing stains and dirt from your carpet. Vinegar, like ammonia, is also less expensive when compared to brand name carpet cleaning products but it can get the job done just the same. Vinegar is also great for neutralizing any smells or odors that might be in your carpet. Vinegar is used in the same way as ammonia, by mixing a teaspoon of it with warm water to create a vinegar-water solution that can be sprayed onto the stains in your carpet.
Whether you prefer a less expensive or more environmentally friendly carpet cleaning solution, you can't go wrong with either of these two options. They are cheap, easy to find, and are capable of cleaning your carpet and removing stains effectively.
To find a qualified carpet cleaner visit Carpet Cleaning Tampa FL

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Futuristic Glass Greenhouse Concepts By Scott Andrew Mathews

Glass greenhouse is one of the preferred ways to boost up your surroundings. The overall need of greenhouse is sufficed by installing it in your backyard. You need to ensure to install the right one which will ensure smooth flow of energy. To make a selection there are numerous types available that can be used in your backyard. Glass types are preferred because of looks and low maintenance. It is also easy to assemble and use in the long run. The overall need and make of a glass type greenhouse is easy, the installation process is very easy compared to other makes and designs.Expert Author Scott Andrew Mathews
Internet is one of the preferred source through which you can buy one of these greenhouses. There are numerous websites loaded on the internet that can be used when you need to purchase this high-tech equipment.
Glass greenhouse is anytime preferred because of its reliability and stability. It has the capacity to withstand rough weather and heavy rains that can damage surroundings. Internet also has various payment options that can be considered worth when making purchase. Payment options like these help in avoiding transaction charge that might arise when making an online payment. Greenhouse for schools can also be created through the online website.
Glass greenhouse ensures entry of sun light directly for photosynthesis. It is a direct method than can be used for future reference. Greenhouse specifications are also available through the internet that can be purchased according to your needs. If you need to modify your greenhouse then the internet is the right place that can be selected for great modifications. Exhausts, doors, windows, glass levers and plantation setups are all available through the internet. Various delivery options are given that help in saving transaction costs. You need not arrange special transportation for the goods purchased online.
Glass greenhouse therefore ensures to delivers quality perfection. Its uses are wide and useful for clean living. Complete greenhouse construction can also be done over the internet for an affordable cost. All you need to do is find the right link which can give you many options. Their overall performance is also top notch when it comes to custom options. Before selecting a website always ensure its geniality towards customers. Checking of reviews will help a lot in such scenarios which are backed by customer oriented comments. In some websites custom designs are also welcomed which are superb and perfect when it comes high-end greenhouses.
Rough Brothers, Inc. provides services like install, test, and service each component of Greenhouse Construction for commercial greenhouses. They also provide facilities and equipment for glass greenhouse, retail garden centers and Greenhouse Specifications.

A New Child's Play - Plastic Playground Equipment By Nicolas Breedloves

Decades back we used to play on playground equipment built of wood or iron. But today the hygienic issues have made manufacturers build this equipment out of plastic. Compared to wood and other metal equipment, plastic playground equipment is durable and requires low maintenance. But you should choose such equipment keeping some factors in mind to ensure safety of your child.
Parents are no longer worried about the fact that their children choose outdoor playground equipment to enjoy their recreational activity. A few decades back this playground equipment was usually built with either metal or wood. Metal gets easily heated up in the sun to cause burns and the wooden equipment, on the other hand, get splinters all over in due course. Today, issues relating to health and hygiene have triggered a great transformation in the way the playground equipment is constructed. Different manufactures have come up with their plastic equipment devoid of the disadvantages of the wooden and metal equipment.
Plastic used in producing playground equipment is rotationally molded, ultraviolet light stabilized polyethylene plastic. A category known as Recycled Structural Plastic (RSP) is now widely used by manufactures to build this equipment. This plastic playground equipment are quite durable and are available in a wide range of colors which makes them look lucrative to the children. The main advantage of this plastic equipment is that they have a smooth surface unlike the rough surfaces of the wooden equipment. Moreover unlike iron or other metal, plastic takes time to get heated up, causing fewer burns.
Plastic has added advantage to wood and other materials which makes them safer for children. To mention a few of these advantages:
* Plastic unlike any other material resists moisture, insects, and bacteria.
* Plastic can be molded into a smooth surface containing negative splinters.
* Plastic doesn't corrodes like other metals, hence requires no preservatives, sealants or paint.
* Plastic can be molded into any shape and size to give the equipments an attractive look.
* Plastic equipment is easy to maintain unlike wood or metals.
There are several factors which should be taken care of in ensuring the safety of the plastic playground equipment. The elements that should be properly checked are:
Rounded Corner - You should make sure that the play equipment you are about to purchase has smooth and rounded corners. Sharp corners can cause cuts or bruises onto the skin of your kids. Sometimes the cloth of your little ones can get stuck to these sharp corners resulting in some fatal accident or injury.
Unsafe openings - Some play equipment have a dangerous opening of about 3 to 9 inches, which make them accident prone for kids as their head or any other body part may get stuck in those openings. You should choose the playground equipment keeping in view this issue.
Joints - Exposed joints between moving parts can cause injuries to the tiny fingers of your kids as they easily get stuck between the joints. So you should choose equipment with less exposed joints.
Hooks - 'S' shaped hooks are mainly found in swings. While purchasing the equipment you should make sure that the hooks are properly bent and out of the reach of the children. Hooks are far more dangerous as they can lead to entrapment and strangulation.
Nuts & Bolts - While installing the play equipment you should make sure that the nuts and bolts used for connecting the different parts don't remain bulged out to cause accidents.
Structural strength - Besides being hardy, plastics don't have an age limit and weight limit. But some manufactures in order to provide maximum features at lower price, supply weak plastic equipment with limited weight carrying capacity. So you should inspect the equipment before purchasing it.
From the above discussion it is quite clear that choosing plastic playground equipment is not an easy task as it involves the question of your child's safety. You should choose wisely as purchasing a cheap playground equipment may cost your child his life. There are several manufactures who are providing plastic playground equipment with a five-year, or more, guarantee against deterioration or breakage.
This article is written by an expert who is currently associated with AAAStateOfPlay, an esteemed organization for indoor and outdoor commercial playground equipment. They are also into the sale of different types of playground safety surfaces to the customers at reasonable rates.

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