Wednesday, August 24, 2011

6 Reasons To Build A Green Home By Ginger A. Heise

We hear buzz words like "going green" all the time. When you log into your online banking institution or pay any number of bills, you're confronted with the "Go Green" prompt, asking you to reduce your monthly consumption of paper and fuel. We see energy-efficient cars zipping around in traffic. You go to the grocery store and are asked if you'd like to purchase their eco-friendly shopping bags. There's no doubt that "going green" is trendy. Whether it's trendy because of a natural inclination to improve our planet's health or simply because it's something "cool", the trend doesn't appear to be going away anytime soon. As much as the green revolution has touched on all our day-to-day activities, it's also beginning to revolutionize the homebuilding industry. A study by NAHB and McGraw-Hill has found that between 2005 and 2010, green homebuilding has increased by 500%. That's truly amazing! Again, one can only conjecture the specific reasons for this massive increase, but here are just a few reasons why building a green home is beneficial to you and the planet.
Perhaps the green home's biggest appeal is its ability save energy. With rising energy costs and minimal renewable energy sources, it's not a big surprise that homeowners are seeking refuge. Green homes can save you 30% or more on your monthly energy bills. This is accomplished by home orientation, efficient insulation, efficient HVAC systems, high performance windows, and more.
Buildings use 12% of the total water consumed in the United States. This usage can be dramatically reduced in green homes through the use of Water Sense appliances, Energy Star appliances, low flow faucets and shower heads, etc. By reducing our water consumption, we're also reducing the amount of energy needed to purify it and deliver it to the home, as well as treat it and return it back to the environment.
Indoor pollution is a grossly underestimated problem in the United States. Your indoor environment is usually more polluted than your outdoor environment. Couple this with the fact that most Americans spend 90% of their time indoors. This can lead to troublesome health problems like asthma and cancer. Green homes' HVAC systems are designed to have better ventilation, moisture management, filtration, etc. Also, green homes typically do not use dangerous building materials like formaldehyde and other toxic chemicals.
Eco-friendly homes are a great investment. Not only do they save you money in the long run via your reduced monthly energy bills, but they have great resale value.
Construction and demolition materials accounts for 60% of our non-industrial waste. Green building reduces their amount of waste by using advanced framing techniques, fewer resources, renewable resources, efficient floor plans, and reclaimed or recycled materials.
Buildings account for approximately 38% of the U.S. carbon dioxide emissions. Since green homes reduce energy consumption, they also reduce our carbon dioxide emissions. Green building also reduces our carbon footprint by reducing the amount of materials and resources needed for construction.
Ginger Heise is the Director of Operations for Stillbrooke Homes/Bud Bartley Homes. Bud Bartley Homes takes great pride in the value offered to each client. We build in the warmth and comfort, never forgetting that a home is where memories are born. Our building associates are craftsmen, each dedicated to fulfilling your distinctive vision for your custom home and using only the finest in materials and modern building techniques. Privately owned and operated for over thirty years, we are confident that the Bud Bartley team will exceed your home building expectations.
For more information on building a custom home, a luxury home, or a green home, please visit us at

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