Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Free Models for Green Energy Using Simple Components By Alex P. Jackson

Free, renewable energy devices let you to generate electric power for your home from energy sources that exist naturally around you. And, of course, this is without incurring any monthly bills. The only expense would be the initial investment needed to set up the generator to begin with. But once you've installed the device, you can then benefit from free, green energy for years to come. Green energy enthusiasts have developed such sustainable energy devices. The great thing is that there are many opportunities to be inventive and improve the design. Many have done this and shown how efficient and reliable this technology is.
These systems are pretty simple, and can be built using easy to find electronic, electrical, and mechanical components. Once the system is constructed and working, you don't have to do much at all to maintain it.
The following are some examples of technology that can be implemented using such basic, easy to find, and relatively inexpensive components. These examples show that free energy systems are a realistic and proven concept.
Using Electromagnetic Energy
The first concept involves taking electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere and converting it to electricity. Electromagnetic energy is found in radio waves, and there is no shortage of radio waves. We are constantly bombarded by these waves at all times. A simple device can be made from such easy to find components as antennae, resistors, inductors, capacitors, chokes, and similar components. A different design consists of antennae, some diodes, and a row of capacitors. By building several such devices, you could generate enough energy to meet basic household power requirements. These devices demonstrate how the more sophisticated green energy versions work.
Using Static Electricity
The next concept involves taking static electricity - again found naturally in the atmosphere - and generating "current" electricity from it to power appliances in your home. This type of approach uses conductors (wires) insulated on the edges using nylon or some other electrical insulating material. This is used to absorb static electricity. You then build up higher electric charges from it using spark plugs, diodes, condensers, ignition coils, and a battery, and then convert the charge to usable electric power.
Using Solar and Cosmic Radiation
A third concept involves capturing free energy from the solar and cosmic radiation in the atmosphere and generating electricity from it. Such devices are based on the concept of the magnifying transmitter invented by Nikola Tesla. Again, simple materials can be used to construct such devices to demonstrate the proof of concept - aluminum plates, insulated wires, capacitors, and diodes. This "generator" is relative easy to build, and once it is set up and grounded properly it will provide constant electrical power.
Alex Jackson is a green energy enthusiast. To learn more about these intriguing renewable energy ideas, visit his website

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